Simple present tense digunakan untuk menyatakan:
1. Habit (kebiasaan yang dilakukan).
a. John always goes to school every day.
b. We usually study at night.
c. They come to my house on Sunday morning
d. She often plays badminton at noon.
2. General truth (kebenaran umum).
a. The earth is round.
b. The earth revolves around the sun.
c. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
d. A year has twelve months.
e. A cat has four legs.
3. Peristiwa saat ini.
a.Hefy sings beautifully.
b.The dogs bark loudly.
c.He seems very happy today.
d.I work hard at home.
4. Pengganti Present Continuous Tense jika verbs (kata kerja) tertentu tidak dapat dipakai dalam Present Continuous Tense, misalnya: agree, believe, consider, expect, like, know, prefer, remember, wish, want, dan sebagainya.
a. I love you (bukan I am loving you)
b. John likes a radio (bukan John is liking a radio)
c. They agree with you (bukan they are agreeing with you)
5. Peristiwa yang akan terjadi di masa yang akan datang.
a. The plane leaves tomorrow morning.
b. The plane arrives at 10.30.
Time signals untuk Simple Present Tense
Adverbs (kata keterangan) yang digunakan dalam Simple Present Tense adalah adverb of time ( keterangan waktu), adverb of place (keterangan tempat), adverb of frequency (keterangan frekuensi), dan sebagainya.
Always = selalu
Usually = biasanya
Often = sering
Sometimes = kadang-kadang
Seldom = jarang
Rarely = jarang
Never = tidak pernah
Generally = umumnya
Every day = setiap hari
Every week = setiap minggu
Every month = setiap bulan
Every year = setiap tahun
Every …. = setiap ……
In the morning = pada pagi hari
In the afternoon = pada sore hari
In the evening = pada malam hari
On Sunday = di hari Minggu
On Sunday morning = di hari Minggu pagi
On Sunday afternoon = di hari Minggu sore
On Sunday evening = di hari Minggu malam
On …. = di hari ….
At night = pada malam hari
At midnight = pada tengah malam hari
At noon = pada siang hari
At midday = pada tengah hari
At six o’clock = jam 6 tepat
At 09.00 a.m. = jam 9 pagi
At … = jam ….
Once a week = sekali dalam seminggu
Once a month = sekali dalam sebulan
Once a … = sekali dalam ….
Twice a week = dua kali dalam seminggu
Twice a … = dua kali dalam ….
Thrice a week = tiga kali dalam seminggu
Thrice a … = tiga kali dalam …
Four times a week = empat kali dalam seminggu
Here = di sini
There = di sana
Posisi Adverb of place, adverb of time, adverb of frequency
Bila ketiga keterangan tersebut hadir bersama-sama (adverb of place, adverb of time, adverb of frequency) dalam Simple Present Tense mengikuti urutan berikut: adverb of frequency diikuti adverb of place diikuti adverb of time.
Jadi, posisi adverb of time berada pada posisi paling belakang (paling akhir).
a. John is always busy at home on Sunday morning.
b. He is never at home at noon.
c. He usually studies English here in the morning.
Untuk Kalimat Nominal
Untuk kalimat nominal (kalimat yang predikatnya bukan kata kerja), predikatnya didahului oleh to be (is, am, are) sebagai kata kerja bantu (auxiliary verb / linking verb).
Predikat untuk kalimat nominal dapat berupa adjective (kata sifat), noun (kata benda), atau adverbs (kata keterangan).
Adjective (kata sifat), misalnya: small, big, happy, sad, tired, dan lain-lain.
Noun (kata benda), misalnya: a teacher, a doctor, a tiger, a lion, a flower, two books, dan lain-lain.
Adverbs (kata keterangan), misalnya: here, there, in the morning, in class, once a week, dan lain-lain.
Untuk Kalimat Verbal
Bila Simple Present Tense berupa kalimat verbal (kalimat yang predikatnya berupa kata kerja), maka kata kerja di sini dibedakan menjadi tiga bagian, yaitu:
Kata kerja dasar (infinitive / simple form), kata kerja bentuk s, dan kata kerja bentuk –es.
Pembentukan Kata Kerja Bentuk S / ES
a. Kata kerja yang berakhir dengan ss, sh, ch, x, dan o ditambah -es.
SS = miss, kiss, diskuss, dan lain-lain
Sh = wash, push, finish, dan lain-lain
Ch = watch, search, lurch, dan lain-lain
X = box, fix, dan lain-lain
O = do, go, dan lain-lain
1. I kiss a father; He kisses a father.
2. You wash a plate; She washes a plate.
3. They watch a television; John watches a television.
4. I fix a home; John fixes a home.
5. They do homework; He does homework.
b. Untuk kata kerja yang tidak berakhir dengan ss, sh, ch, x, dan o hanya ditambah s saja.
1. They take a book; she takes a book.
2. You cut a tree; he cuts a tree.
c. Kata kerja yang berakhir dengan konsonan+y, konsonan (huruf mati) tersebut diubah menjadi i dan selanjutnya ditambah es.
1. I carry a book; he carries a book.
2. You cry at home; she cries at home.
d. Kata kerja yang berakhir dengan vokal+y, langsung tambahkan s pada kata kerja tersebut.
1. They play football; Ahmed plays football.
2. I buy an orange juice; he buys an orange juice.
e. Jika kata kerja have bertemu subyek he, she, it, maka kata kerja have berubah menjadi has.
1. I have money; he has money.
2. They have a pencil; John has a pencil.
Pembentukan Kalimat Positif, Kalimat Negatif, Dan Kalimat Interrogative
Pada Kalimat Verbal:
Contoh 1:
(+) They always study English at home every day.
(-) They do not always study English at home every day.
(?) Do they always study English at home every day? Yes, they do. / No, they do not.
Contoh 2:
(+) John and Nefyta always study Arabic at school every day.
(-) John and Nefyta do not always study Arabic at school every day.
(?) Do John and Nefyta always study Arabic at school every day? Yes, they do. / No, they do not.
Contoh 3:
(+) She usually buys a book every month.
(-) She does not buy a book every month.
(?) Does she buy a book every month? Yes, she does / No, she does not.
Contoh 4:
(+) John often carries parcels every year.
(-) John does not often carry parcels every year.
(?) Does John often carry parcels every year? Yes, He does. / No, he does not.
Contoh 5:
(+) A goat has four legs.
(-) A goat does not have four legs.
(?) Does a goat have four legs? Yes, it does. / No, it does not.
Contoh 6:
(+) Six cats eat fish in the evening.
(-) Six cats do not eat fish in the evening.
(?) Do Six cats eat fish in the evening? Yes, they do. / No, they do not.
Pada Kalimat Nominal:
Contoh 1:
(+) You are always at home every evening.
(-) You are not always at home every evening.
(?) Are you always at home every evening? Yes, I am. / No, I am not.
Contoh 2:
(+) Benjamin is happy every day.
(-) Benjamin is not happy every day.
(?) Is Benjamin happy every day? Yes, he is. / No, he is not.
Contoh 3:
(+) The weather is hot.
(-) The weather is not hot.
(?) Is the weather hot? Yes, it is. / No, it is not.
Contoh 4:
(+) A cat is in the kitchen.
(-) A cat is not in the kitchen.
(?) Is a cat in the kitchen? Yes, it is. / No, it is not.
Contoh 5:
(+) Six cats are at home in the morning.
(-) Six cats are not at home in the morning.
(?) Are Six cats at home in the morning? Yes, they are. / No, they are not.