The utterance was born when i met and watched someone who is suffering from the disease and poverty among the livehood carts, but they aren't able to drop down the life.
Ungkapan ini terlahir saat kulihat dan kusaksikan seseorang dilanda penyakit dan kemiskinan di antara gerobak-gerobak mata pencahariannya, namun semua itu tak mampu meruntuhkan sendi-sendi kehidupannya.
“You do not have to feel like what I feel, but I hope you know everything which I feel. As though i'm the candle flame in the darkness when the old dad knits the living advice until the beard grows to become the increasingly white beard. Could you help me to keep the wax does not run out because of the flame.”
“Engkau tidak harus merasakan seperti yang aku rasakan, namun kuharap engkau tahu yang kurasakan.
Perumpamaan diriku nyala lilin di kegelapan sewaktu sesepuh merajut petuah hidup hingga kian memutihlah jenggot-jenggotnya, dapatkah engkau menolongku menjaga agar lilin tidak kehabisan karena nyalanya.”